IMM International Migration Museum

We are the International Migration Musuem -

and you are too!

The idea of our museum :

This is not a static institution limited by the walls of a building!

Along with the characteristic of migration,

we are moving,

we discover and live

- conscious of all the other aspects-

migration in a positive way.

Nidda Park Frankfurt

built for the people with low income.

100 years ago, so definetly sustainable!

What is missing?

New ideas filling the landscape!

The IMM, the migrating Museum 

just arrived at the entrance of the parc on the International Museums Day 2022

We want to meet you!!!

In your part of town.

Example:  Frankfurt 2022

Wir sind das International Migration Museum,   IMM.

Wir kommen zu Euch. In

eure Straße, euren Park

We want to meet you!

We want to hear your ideas!

We want to talk to you!

We want to dance together!

We want to listen to you!

We want to find out:

what is home to you?

We want to have input from every visitor!

starting with the Frankfurt Cabins  2021

We want to hear your story. Because that's your history!

To find new places!

And come together 

And new Options!

To build up a new home!

and find new models

Let's eat and chat 

and put old and

basic ideas of mankind into effect